
In various Caritas facilities, homeless people and people threatened by homelessness find support, a place to retreat and temporary living space.
"Wärmestube" - Day center
The Wärmestube day center is a meeting place for people in need of housing. Here, people with financial, psychological and/or social problems find a place to go.
The Wärmestube offers a quiet zone and a place to retreat - without the obligation to consume or seek advice. In addition, visitors can get a hot meal, take a shower and do their laundry for a small fee. In emergencies, clothing or a small amount of financial support can also be provided.
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Dinghoferstraße 54A/Goethestraße 46 4020 Linz
Mo, Di, Do, Fr, Sa, So
11.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr
Mi 14.30 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr
Die Wärmestube hat heute, 11.3.2025, wegen Krankheit geschlossen!
FRIDA - Day center for homeless women
FRIDA creates space for homeless and at risk of homelessness women. The day care center is primarily a place of regeneration and retreat. We want to provide a stress-free stay in the center.
In addition to basic services (breakfast, showers, laundry, postal address, etc.), the facility offers the opportunity for exchange and recreation. Information, counseling and referral as well as support in crisis situations are also part of the offer, which is aimed at all women over the age of 18. As a prerequisite for the stay is the observance of the house rules, the abstinence from alcohol, drugs and violence.
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Mo - Fr
09.00 - 13.30 Uhr
Hartlauerhof - Accompanied Living Project
Hartlauerhof offers homeless men a supervised, temporary place to live. Social workers support the residents in working through problems, coping with everyday life and developing new perspectives.
At Hartlauerhof, the residents also find hourly day-structuring employment in the kitchen and garden as well as in the wood and metal workshop. Here they design creative utility and art objects from seemingly worthless materials such as scrap iron, alluvial and wild wood. This work gives the residents the opportunity to regain self-esteem and self-confidence.
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Öffnungszeiten Verkauf:
MO - MI 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
sowie 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Wir bitten um Anmeldung.
Crisis housing
Crisis housing is a direct and unbureaucratic offer of help for people who have lost their place of residence due to a current emergency situation and/or need to bridge the waiting period for a place to live.
Too little affordable housing and overcrowded supervised social housing facilities: for adult individuals and families with children who urgently need emergency housing, there is the "crisis housing" service offered by Caritas in Linz.
Caritas crisis housing offers supervised accommodation for up to six months to bridge the acute crisis and find a long-term place to live. Social workers provide support in opening up new perspectives and mastering life again on their own.
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Network Housing Assurance
Together with social counseling centers and municipalities, the coordination office is the point of contact for all concerns related to the prevention of eviction and housing assurance in the Innviertel region.
Loss of income due to unemployment, illness, separation/divorce, etc. can lead to rent arrears and impending loss of housing. During the counseling session, the causes and reasons for the impending loss of housing are first clarified and options for maintaining or, if necessary, changing housing are worked out together.
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Emergency shelter Innviertel
The purpose of the emergency shelter is to offer direct and unbureaucratic assistance to people in the districts of Ried, Schärding and Braunau who have lost their place of residence due to a current emergency and/or need to bridge the waiting period for a place to live.
The Notquartier Innviertel is available to people of legal age who are Austrian citizens or have the same status.
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Help-Mobil - Mobile basic medical care
The Help-Mobil is a bus that stops at several locations in Linz every Monday and Friday in the evening hours. This "help on wheels" provides basic medical care to the homeless.
The Help-Mobil is a joint service offered by Caritas, the Workers' Samaritan Federation of Upper Austria, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy Linz, the Lazarus Order Relief Service of Upper Austria and the Red Cross Linz.
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Help-Mobil - Medizinische Notversorgung
Erreichbarkeit: MO und FR 17.00-18.00 Uhr
"Krankenzimmer" - Infirmary
The Infirmary is a facility for homeless people, with or without insurance coverage, who need temporary supervised housing due to an illness.
Up to four people can be accommodated here and are cared for by both nursing staff and social workers. Food, medication and hygiene items are provided as needed. Admission to the infirmary is only possible through referrals from physicians.
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Contact point for migrants living in poverty
The contact point serves as a first point of contact and information for migrants living in poverty.
In the contact point it has become clear that a large part of the people from Eastern European countries who beg are actually looking for work. However, due to a lack of qualifications and basic education, it is very difficult for them to find a job. Social workers support people in their search for work, in clarifying perspectives and provide legal information. Consultations and information are offered in Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian, German and English. Consultations at the contact point are available in Linz.
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Kontaktstelle Linz
Kontaktstelle für Armutsmigrant*innen Linz
Schillerstraße 45/EG 4020 Linz
Wir sind Mo, Mi, Do, Fr zwischen 08:30 und 12:00 telefonisch für Sie erreichbar.
Persönliche Beratungen nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung!