Help-Mobil - Mobile basic medical care

The Help-Mobil is a bus that stops at several locations in Linz every Monday and Friday in the evening hours. This "help on wheels" provides basic medical care to the homeless.

The Help-Mobil is a joint service offered by Caritas, the Workers' Samaritan Federation of Upper Austria, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy Linz, the Lazarus Order Relief Service of Upper Austria and the Red Cross Linz.

In addition to counseling sessions, volunteer medical personnel provide initial treatment for injuries, change bandages and hand out medication. If necessary, people are also given sleeping bags, warm underwear, socks, baby food or diapers and can fortify themselves with tea and something to eat.
The Help-Mobile is currently making a stop

on Monday
from 17 - 19 o'clock at the Domplatz, entrance Herrenstraße

on Friday
from 17 - 18:45 o'clock at the Domplatz, entrance Herrenstraße
19 - 20.45 o'clock Martin-Luther-Church, Martin-Luther-Platz 1

  • Please note the FFP2 mask obligation in all areas.
  • Medical care from 5 - 6 p.m. each day

Help-Mobil - Medical emergency care
Accessibility: MO and FR 5 - 7 p.m.


Help-Mobil - Medizinische Notversorgung

Erreichbarkeit: MO und FR 17.00-18.00 Uhr

The Help mobile is a common offer of the Caritas, the Workers' Samaritan Federation Upper Austria, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy Linz, the Red Cross Linz and the Lazarus order auxiliary service Upper Austria