invita - People with mental health problems

Psychosocial Support: Many small steps to more independence.

At several locations, invita offers assistance, development and employment services for people with a wide range of mental impairments.

Residential Living

The following residential options are available for people with mental illness:

  • fully assisted living
  • partially assisted living
  • Mobile assistance

Claudia Hamedinger BSc

Aufnahme Bewohner*innen

Stiftstraße 6

4090 Engelhartszell

Mobile Assistance

What is Mobile Assistance?

Mobile Assistance is a form of support for people with mental impairments who live at home with their family in a flat or in a residential community.

The aim of Mobile Assistance is to support people so that they can live independently.

Who can receive Mobile Assistance?

Mobile Care and Assistance is for young people and adults with mental impairments, who live independently.

Where is Mobile Assistance available?

Mobile Assistance is available in the districts of:
Schärding, Grieskirchen, Kirchdorf, Gmunden, Vöcklabruck, Ried Wels, Wels-Land, Linz, Linz-Land.

Ihre regionalen Ansprechpartner

Linz/ Linz-Land
Anna Wegerer

invita Mobile Begleitung Linz/ Linz-Land

Kapuzinerstraße 55 4020 Linz


0676 8776 2979

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Engelhartszell (Bezirk Schärding Nord)
Claudia Vierlinger

invita Mobile Begleitung

Stiftstraße 5 4090 Engelhartszell

0676 8776 2968

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Mag.a (FH) Nicole Leichtfried

Leitung Wohnen Gmunden und Mobile Begleitung Gmunden, Vöcklabruck, Ried

Seeholzstraße 5 4810 Gmunden


0676 8776 2913

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Grieskirchen Nord
Martina Kübler

Teamleitung Neukirchen und Eschenau und invita Mobile Begleitung

Hofingstraße 8 4724 Neukirchen am Walde

0676 8776 8855

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invita Ability-oriented Activity

At several locations, invita offers assistance, development and employment opportunities for people with a wide range of mental health problems.

invita offers people with mental illnesses employment opportunities in various fields of work. The aim is to maintain and enhance mental and physical abilities as well as independence. This offer can be taken up by residents of invita facilities as well as by people with mental impairment from the region.

invita offers Ability-oriented Activity at the following locations:

  • Ability-oriented Activity Pamingerhof
  • Ability-oriented Activity Waldkirchen
  • Ability-oriented Activity Engelhartszell
  • Ability-oriented Activity Buchkirchen
  • Ability-Based Activity Pfaffing